March 24, 2010

I have been sewing up a storm

in preparation for baby Wyatt.

Who, is currently living here:


We are so excited


I thought and thought

about what I could make that would be a special gift from Meema.

hmmmm, a quilt is always special

he'll need receiving blankets too.

or how about a cute diaper/baby wipe tote?

bibs are a must

and babies never have enough burp cloths.

Oh what to do . . . .

I couldn't decide.

so . . . . . . . .

I made it all

. . . . . in different themes

(his daddy is an Air Force Navigator)




hand dyed baby blue diapers for burp cloths

Green Wild Animals


Tote for a single diaper and baby wipes




(The burp cloths are for Wyatt's Erp)

Classic Baby Blue and Yellow


Turquoise and Brown
burp cloths


Dogs and Alphabet


1 quilt, 5 receiving blankets, 4 bibs, 17 burp cloths
and 1 diaper/baby wipe tote later,
I am still not sure which is my favorite;
I had so much fun creating it all.

Can't wait to meet you, Wyatt


Cheryl Joy said...

I think someone might be a LITTLE excited! :)

I love the airplane blanket the most!

Brittany said...

Oh my goodness, they are all just precious. What a lucky little guy! Burp cloth for "Wyatt's erp," nice. I love them all too, but the airplane theme does have an especially personalized touch. You are so talented mom. Thank you thank you thank you!

Unknown said...

These are amazing! I like the airplane blanket & the green wild animals(mainly because my favorite color is green!) But they are ALL fantastic!! I know my mom is excited about my younger sister having a little one! So congrats!

Chrissy said...

So amazing, Mom! And they look totally professional... especially in real life :-)

Lynnie said...

I can't believe you did all of that! ... Oh, yes I can! It is all so cute.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE them all too! Amazing! I think I LOVE the blanket the most though. Love the airplanes and everything. Awesome job! Beautiful work as always.

Kayley said...

cute stuff! that will be so fun to have a grand baby staying with you- and nice for Brittany to have the extra help!

Marci said...
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Marci said...

Everything turned out so cute! That is A LOT of stuff!

LaRee said...

Hmm, it looks like Britt doesn't need a baby shower!...sooo cute!!

Kelley said...

There's nothing like a new grand baby to be excited about! .... obiviously:)

Anonymous said...

Hi There
I need some help here folks
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a house I'mbuying now.
Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the topplace to buy these? I live in Newark and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:


[url=][img]  [/img][/url]



About Me

My photo
I married my high school sweetheart 34 years ago in the LDS Temple. I have 4 children (3 married, and a 14 year old) and 6 grandchildren. I lived my entire life in California, until 6 years ago. I now reside in San Antonio, Texas. The most important thing to me is my family; I have invested the most in them and it has paid great dividends. I love doing anything creative that beautifies my surroundings and I love nature. I minored in Art and majored in Interior Design at BYU, yet, my profession is a Tax Preparer.

Steve and I

Steve and I

Steve and I

Steve and I
Pismo Beach

Our Family

Our Family

Mike, Marci & Family

Mike, Marci & Family

Brittany & Ili

Brittany & Ili

Zach & Chrissy

Zach & Chrissy

