Brittany's husband, Ili, is a very interesting guy.
In addition to flying 707's (as an Air Force Navigator)
and living an international life,
(born in Taiwan, raised in Australia, then moved to Chicago),
In addition to flying 707's (as an Air Force Navigator)
and living an international life,
(born in Taiwan, raised in Australia, then moved to Chicago),
he's a great cook!
Pork Fried Rice, Adobo Chicken, and Sticky Rice.
For dessert, he showed us how they party Down Under.
Tim Tams are a favorite Australian cookie.
When you use a Tim Tam as a straw to drink hot cocoa,
it is known as a Tim Tam Slam
(demo by Zach)
Here we all are slammin' down dessert and having a great time!
thank you, Brit and Ili for a deeeelish dinner and dessert
. . . and the perfect break from leftover turkey :)
Scott's mom brough us back Tim Tams and we had Tim Tam Slams too!
It was delish for sure! I'm glad we were here when he made his feast :)!
dee-lish. (nuff said)
My sister in law, Taunya, had a roomate from Australia and they would do this all the time. She introduced us to it and we love it. Fun times!
It was super yum and I'm so happy the commissary sells Tim Tams, we'll be slammin' all the time now!
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